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I do wonder why some tignhs are considered such a novelty even though they've been eaten forever (well not forever but almost). It is tradition to take care of an entire animal rather than to let it go to waste. I use chicken liver to enrich a bolognese but stay away from offal per se. I've had numerous health issues so there's something with me and anatomical structures that just doesn't go together any more, besides meat as such. I have however eaten slowly cooked stuffed pig's heart and a favourite of the household is blood "pudding", fried and served with lingonberry jam (substitute cranberry). There are recipes for pig's feet and cow mule sallad in Germany (maul salat). The latter is very nice. The former is not for me. Neither is tripes, which I ate in Italy. If I have to I can eat just about anything and sometimes you just don't argue. Only recently did I have haggis. A dish I had many pre-conceived notions about. Basically we are just spoiled. The food world reinvent the wheel over and over. The rest of us continue eating as we have all along pretty much, with some additions over time.

BEAUTIFUL and TIMELY! Your light is such a gift to this world, to my world.I love your power, your shine, your light. Thank you for reminding us to acpect life's beauty, even the part that is our own. And, the Leaf! Lovely, lovely, lovely! (Love your art!)Always grateful, Danielle

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