[Pink Pig Time Machine: Wilfrid, December 5, 2016]
Well, it seems worth recording for posterity. I've done few headstands since. To say that gymnastics has played a small role in my life would be an understatement, but after an all day workshop mash-up of Feldenkrais and yoga back in November 2006, I was standing on my head like a pro.
No, I don't think I'll try it right now. Any dining?
Then so-so food and bad wine. As my diary says, "Bah!"
A big night out at MoMA in memory of Frank O'Hara, with readings by Alfred Leslie and John Ashbery, both born 1927, and both still with us today. At home I was cooking Dines Farms rabbits, roast with polenta and Condado de Haza 2000 Reserva; braised with turnips, fingerlings, and a wild mushroom sauce. And a a 2003 Condado de Haza just for comparison.
And to finish the week, a fascinating session on the aging of Spanish wines with the inestimable Helio at the Instituto Cervantes, then a late tasting menu at Degustation. My diary notes only the grilled langoustines, which I do remember. Fabulous.