[Pink Pig Time Machine by Wilfrid: February 15, 2016]
It wasn't as cold in February 2006 as it is this year. But we did see snow: in fact, my diary says we saw the biggest snowfall in New York history. Correctly, it seems: 26.9 inches.
But it didn't stop me getting around, for example to the spectacularly good David Smith centennial exhibit at the Guggenheim, and to a less obvious show of Dwight Ripley's drawings at Poet's House.
For food, back to Hearth yet again:
Parsnip soup
Lobster salad
Skate with winter vegetables, pomegranate sauce
Wild mushroom tortellini
Kobe skirt steak
Coconut soufflé
Understandably, it was a week of heartiness in terms of dinner intake--with one exception. Grilled brisket sandwich, ricotta and truffle ravioli at home. In the streets, baked clams and lemon chicken at Baldoria; seafood soup, Manchurian goat, chicken dumplings and sweet and sour tiger prawns at Tangra Masala; and braised oxtail and sacks of cuchifritos from Ignacio Rest. on Avenue D.
The exception, a bizarrely summery meal at Tides. Lobster roll, oysters, sweet potato fries. And then--nothing to do with Tides--I got sick.