[Pink Pig Time Machine by Wilfrid: February 2, 2016]
Paintings, books and dance this week ten years ago. Rare editions of literature about arctic expeditions at the Grolier Club; a nice reading copy of Verlaine from Gotham Book Mart. Krasner and Pollock at the Robert Miller Gallery. A Lucius Beebe reader (an inspiration for the occasional drawings here). A tango show, Historias Breves, at the Skirball Center.
And as constant background, the Four Tops, from a comprehensive CD set I'd just picked up. I ate too.
As for casual eating out, I was back at O.G. on East 6th yet again for pork and apple dumplings followed by a crispy duck dish. A.O.C. Bedford delivered a duck b'stilla, followed by some Australian beef with spätzle.
The fancy dinner of the week was at Hearth, and it makes for an interesting comparison with the new menu recently unveiled at Hearth and recently reviewed here:
A shot of parsnip soup
Rabbit ballotine with oil purée, frisée
Loin of pork, belly and sausage
Vermont and Wisconsin cheeses
A Portuguese white, Touriz, to start, then Nebbiolo d'Alba. I'd love to see the check for that meal. Certainly we're now in a period where beef, pork, veal or lamb three ways will be scarce on menus except at higher end places.