[Pink Pig Time Machine by Wilfrid: December 1, 2014]
After that marathon binge leading up to, and including, Thanksgiving 2004, it's a relief to see that the following week was peaceful--even healthy--on the eating front.
After all, I did have a raw vegan meal.
The week kicked off with a quiet, modest dinner at Craftbar: bacalao croquettes and a choucroute. Then it was on to home cooking--a salad made with the last of the Thanksgiving capon, vegetable soup, and a couple of days working through a cotechino from Buon Italia in Chelsea Markets; served in a red wine and mustard sauce, with canellini beans, salad, and a nice bottle of cerr-ripe Cerasuolo di Vittoria, 2000, from Sicily.
Okay, so I did venture out too--to Mobay's, the soul-food restaurant and jazz lounge in Harlem, for brisket and plantains. Also to Alias on the LES, for stuffed cabbage followed by maple-baked pork belly and mashed potatoes. And some Vermont cheddar.
The peak of healthy living? A feast at Pure Food & Wine, the daring new raw venture by Sarma Melngailis and Matthew Kenney in the cute house-and-garden space on University Place which had housed Verbena. Since 2005, Sarma has been in sole charge, and it's hard to imagine she'll be celebrating ten years of feeding glamorous raw vegan food to New Yorkers in 2015.
The food at this dinner was so good, it almost turned my carnivore head:
Mushroom and asparagus tart, chayote crust
Arugula and bosc pear salad, with pumpkin seeds and raisings
Eggplant and tomato lasagne with cashew cheese
Rosemary and apple sundae
That's how we tighten the belt. Next week, Megu and Bouley.