[Pigging by Wilfrid: January 22, 2014]
What a fundamentally good cheese this is. I know I've eaten in the past, but two hunks recently consumed (from Citarella and Union Market, respectively) really hit the mark.
I emphasize "fundamentally," because for once it's not really about the truffles.
I picked it up looking for a truffled cheese to accompany a treasured 1964 Prunotto Barolo. I could have found a much trufflier cheese than this.
From the same stable--Cypress Grove--as the award-winning Humboldt Fog, this cheese has a bare scattering of black truffle particles. More importantly, it's a beautifully smooth, creamy goat cheese, soft-riped, almost with the fullness of a triple crème.
And look how it ages.
The Citarella serving had that almost ammoniac, but still desirable, ring of gooey goodness just inside the rind, but maintained a fresh, tangy center.
The bloomy rind is delicious too. I may already have eaten one of the best cheeses of 2014.