[Pigging by Wilfrid: June 11, 2012]
I've been a fan of WD-50 since Wylie and Dewey Dufresne opened it, astonishingly almost ten years ago. From the foie gras with sardines and cocoa nibs, I've been an ardent support. I even forgave them the ramp soup.
I've written about it often enough too -- and I won't repeat all the background and context I gave in this 2007 post. I hadn't visited in a while; but then Wylie went ahead and did precisely the right thing to bring me back. He threw out his tried and trusted menu and started all over again.
Well, no, not quite. He kept some of his greatest hits on a $75 "From the Vault" menu -- the pickled beef tongue, the lamb loin with black garlic romesco -- but introduced with a flourish a completely new $155 tasting. Out went the carte, but lest anyone thinks this is an exercise in envy, provoked by the plethora of high-priced tastings appearing around town, reflect that the dining room now expects to turn far fewer tables.
There is one easy way to access Wylie's wonderful new food. Sit at the bar and order from either the new menu or the Vault: two courses for $25, each additional course $15. These are still, of course, tasting portions -- don't imagine two or three courses will stuff you. But it remains a notable bargain, given the excellence of the cuisine.