[Pink Pig Time Machine by Wilfrid: December 19, 2011]
It seems I had a busy week in the kitchen ten years ago, building up to the seasonal festivities. The cold weather arrived, mirroring this year's timing, and I responded by stuffing squabs with prunes and roasting them.
I opened a '95 Mercurey to go with them.
Next up, one my specialties. Tripe stewed with chickpeas and chorizo in a tomato sauce. Some pungent Serpa from Portugal folowed that nicely. Then I got onto a fresh cod kick, preparing it with a white bean cassoulet, a little of the leftover chorizo chopped in with the beans. Good enough to eat two nights running.
Incidentally, I closed the purchase of an apartment on th Lower East Side, and celebrated with a drop of Taittinger.
A little stepping out the next day, visiting PaceWildenstein to see some early Mark Rothko - the figurative, myth-influenced stuff before he started painting his big blocks. Drinks at Molly's on Third Avenue, then snack at Bar Veloce: bruschetti with anchovies and mozzarella. Dinner at home again - some jamon Serrano with bread and truffled butter, a simply seared filet of venison with some potatoes.
I finished the week with some Christmas shopping and something of a bl0w-out dinner at home. Cornmeal-fried oysters, sauce remoulade. Daube of venison, white bean purée, carrots. Serpa, Brie, Bleu d'Auvergne and Selle-sur-Cher on the cheese plate. Bahans Haut Brion, '96, in the bottle. A drop of port to finish.
Next week, on the brink of Christmas, Le Cirque and Blue Hill.