[Pigging by Wilfrid: February 22, 2010]
It was Eater which started it with the whole "38" thing, posting listings of thirty-eight "essential" restaurants for New York and several other cities. Why thirty-eight? I don't know, but then why ten, why fifty?
View The Wilfrid 38 in a larger map
If you can't beat them, join them. Here, if the technology holds up, is my New York thirty-eight. It includes what I consider the best restaurants in the city - in no strict order - as well as places I just happen to like and enjoy.
Special attention is deserved by those venues marked with a Pink Pig - zoom in closer on the map and the icons no longer overlap each other. Click on icons for comments, and by all means while away some time finding the icons which lead to full length reviews from my new guide to NYC dining, Eating the Apple 2010.